Revised 8/28/2022
In my eventual goal of creating a simulation model of a BLDC PMSM motor using Field Oriented Control this is Part I & II. In Part II I add the overall system block diagram, discuss how Space Vector Modulation (SVM) works and walk through the Clarke, Park and Reverse Park Transforms. This document includes all of Part I also.
BLDC_model - Parts I and IIRevised 8/28/2022
The final part will wrap this series up with a simulation model of the complete FOC BLDC motor system. A MATAB S-Function can be used to solve the differential equations given the terminal voltages as inputs and then output the phase currents, velocity and position. A second S-Function could then perform the control system. My primary choice however is to use a Colab Notebook and do the simulation in Python. The motivation for this choice is two-fold 1) Become more adept with Colab Notebooks and 2) Provide an open source reference to the motor control community.